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Capital Bikeshare

Situation / Challenge

Maryland’s Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s Commuter Services Division wanted to raise awareness and educate the public about its Capital Bikeshare facilities and services to help increase use of this program across the county.

Our Strategic Approach

BWF created, implemented, and staffed four distinct programs – two each in Friendship Heights and Silver Spring – to showcase the Bikeshare program among area employers and their employees. Each program had three elements:

  • A grassroots outreach campaign targeting individuals and decision makers at companies with messages about Capital Bikeshare events and availability of the program to employees. We worked off both provided and procured lists to reach out to specific companies and build connections one behalf of the County.

  • A news release for local media that attracted WTOP Radio and the Washington Post to visit our events.

  • Delivery of all four two-hour themed events on-site with tenting, promotional items, and service demonstrations.